Highlight: Inspiration section is comprehensive list of inspired works of designers.
Visit: www.smashingmagazine.com

A guide on essential skills for designing effective web sites.
Highlight: Web 2.0 how-to design style guide.
Visit: www.webdesignfromscratch.com/

W3Schools is a web developer's portal, with tutorials and references relating to web development subjects, including HTML, XML, CSS, and JavaScript. W3Schools is free of charge, and is funded through text and display advertising.. The tutorials and references on the website and the related code are proprietary.
Highlight: Browser Statistics, Web Validation, Web Standards, Web Glossary and much more
Visit: www.w3schools.com

Highlight: You can download everything for free of charge.
Visit: www.knowfree.net

DeviantArt is an international online community for artists. It was first launched on August 7, 2000 by Scott Jarkoff, Matthew Stephens and Angelo Sotira, amongst others. DeviantArt, Inc. is headquartered in Suite 788 at 7905 Hollywood Boulevard in the Hollywood area of Los Angeles, California, United States.
Highlight: DeviantArt aims to provide a place for any artist to exhibit and discuss his or her works.
Visit: www.deviantart.com